Kursen är en självstudiekurs där du rapporterar skriftligen efter din för ditt huvudämne relevanta arbetspraktik. Du kan välja att avlägga praktikkursen som antingen 5 sp eller 10 sp i Finland eller utomlands. För 5 sp behövs minst 8 arbetsveckor heltidsarbete och för 10 sp krävs minst 16 arbetsveckor (eller deltidsarbete som motsvarar mängden heltidsarbete). Praktiken kan avläggas under en eller flera perioder och på en eller flera arbetsplatser.

För mer information, se Moodle.

The course is a self-study course in which you write a report of your – for your major relevant – internship or paid work experience. You can choose to complete the internship course as either 5 credits or 10 credits in Finland or abroad. For 5 credits you need at least 8 weeks of full time work and for 10 credits at least 16 weeks of full time work, or part time work equivalent to these amounts. You can complete the internship in one or many parts and in one or many work places.

For more information, see Moodle.

Kursen är en självstudiekurs där du rapporterar skriftligt efter din arbetspraktik utomlands på minst 12 veckor.

Utlandspraktiken utförs under din studietid vid Hanken.

För att det skall räknas som utlandspraktik måste du utföra praktiken i ett annat land än Finland, dvs. bo och arbeta i ett annat land.

Mer information hittar du i Moodle.

“Think global, act local” is an often-heard statement. But how can you act local if you are not aware of the local culture, how it affects consumer behaviour, how to adapt to and be respectful of local contexts? In this course, you will learn about international diversity in consumer behaviour and marketing management, and you will learn to analyse various contexts in which this understanding is helpful.

This is a self-study course which means that the student takes full responsibility for reading the instructions given, finding the assigned literature, following through on assignments and performing the digital exam. The role of the course teacher is not to give personal guidance to the student. The course requires previous knowledge of basics in marketing and skills to work independently on different tasks.

As a self-learning course, the course tests your ability to think about and reflect on your learning, to set your own deadlines and goals, and to be motivated to learn by self-studying. The course can be taken in either Period 2 (P2) or Summer period 2 (S2).
Introduction: Markets are not static entities but dynamic ecosystems that are constantly changing. Therefore, firms must be able to anticipate upcoming trends, changes in consumption patterns, and the emergence of new consumer segments. Only the companies that keep up with the pace of change –or even drive it– can succeed. Therefore, understanding consumption trends is essential to determine what products and services to develop or which consumer segments to target. The future, however, is not written. Companies need to approach markets as more than just economic data; they need to understand how culture, lifestyle, values, media, and the economy interact to create future market opportunities.

There are many examples of firms that failed to adapt to the times. Even in Finland, well-known brands have disappeared because they did not keep up with technological, digital consumer culture, or lifestyle trends. Consequently, brands must understand offline and online trends or create new ones. These opportunities are not just helpful; they are potentially transformative. For entrepreneurs, understanding and quickly tapping into growing trends can be the difference between success and failure.

Course Description: This course is designed to equip students with the theoretical and practical skills necessary to gain actionable market insights and seize growth opportunities. It does so by exploring the complex relationship between market dynamics and consumer culture—the social arrangements on which culture and social resources depend and are mediated through markets. By focusing on the intersection of consumption, culture, and markets, students will be well-prepared to navigate the ever-changing business landscape.
Throughout the course, students will examine various manifestations of consumer culture, both historical and contemporary, through case studies, academic articles, and team-based learning. Topics covered may include the historical development of consumer culture and consumption institutions, taste formation and social distinction, marketing as ideology, consumption as identity work, consumer resistance and anti-consumption, consumer communities and tribes, and consumer activism and sustainability.
Anmalningsblankett h 2024.pdfAnmalningsblankett h 2024.pdfGenerella semiinstruktioner.pdfGenerella semiinstruktioner.pdfTidtabell.pdfTidtabell.pdf
Välkommen till seminariekursen hösten 2024 avsedd för alla som har marknadsföring som huvudämne in sin magisterexamen oberoende av om du antagits till integrerade kandidat/magisterprogrammet eller det tvååriga magisterprogrammet på svenska. Denna kurs stöder avhandlingsarbetet och är avsedd för alla som har marknadsföring som huvudämne oavsett om du skriver din avhandling på svenska eller engelska. Arbetet med avhandlingen sätter i gång genast från början av kursen.

Läs kursinformationen och blanketten med anmälan och forskningsplan som till vänster. Läs också gärna kursinformation i SISU.

Före du anmäler dig till kursen försäkra dig om att du kan närvara på plats minst en handfull gånger, tider meddelas senare, under vardera seminarieveckan 21-25.10 och 16-20.12 plus möjligen fredagen före dem eller måndagen efter den första.

Anmäl dej FÖRE 1.9 kl 12 i SISU OCH genom att ladda upp anmälan och forskningsplan i pdf-format i Moodle. Kursnyckeln skickas till alla behöriga anmälda i SISU och det är viktigt att se till att epostadressen där är den du läser.

Alla som avser delta i kursen skall vara med på plats på Kursintroduktion och information tisdag 3.9 kl. 10.15-11.45 Arkadiagatan 28 på institutionen, rum G226F.