The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

I slutet av första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne. Som stöd för detta ordnas workshopar och en mässa. Valet utmynnar i att du gör upp en studieplan för din kandidatexamen inom ramen för kursen Individuell studieplan 1 sp.

Kursnyckeln distribueras i ett e-postutskick till de som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2019. Kontakta om du ska ta kursen men inte fått kursnyckeln.

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.