This is the course for internships in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility (logistik och samhällsansvar), and in Humanitarian Logistics, both on the MSc level.

38009 Voluntary Work.pdf38009 Voluntary Work.pdf

This is a self-study course that reports on the voluntary work you have completed. The aim is to acquire practical experience from voluntary work total of min 134 hours. Part time work is converted on the basis of total work hours to working weeks. All work to help people in the society can be considered. The work shall fulfill Hanken’s guidelines of ethics, responsibility and sustainability.

NB! This course is on the MSc level. BSc students, there is a different course for you under 9997 Voluntary Work and Societal Engagement.

This course is intended to support personal and professional growth in the doctoral research process and thesis writing. While supporting research socialization and competence development, the course focuses on improving reflection skills.
The student agrees on the course content with the instructor before starting the course
The course introduces principles and practices that facilitate responsible and sustainable supply chain strategies and operations. To achieve a sustainable supply chain, a company has to address environmental, social, economic and legal concerns across its entire supply chain. A fully sustainable supply chain is one that ensures socially responsible business practices. These practices are not only good for the planet and people who live here, but they also support business growth.

Indicative content includes but is not limited to a brief overview of corporate strategy and SCM; concepts of sustainability in general and pertaining to SCM; sustainable and responsible procurement, circular economy and closed-loop supply chains; cleaner production and transportation; supply chain sustainability risks and resilience; social issues in the supply chain .Course is accessible to students from each of the MSc routes with an interest in supply chain management (SCM) and/or different elements of sustainability.