Kursen är en självstudiekurs där du rapporterar skriftligen efter din för ditt huvudämne relevanta arbetspraktik. Du kan välja att avlägga praktikkursen om antingen 5 sp eller 10 sp. För 5 sp behövs minst 8 arbetsveckor heltidsarbete och för 10 sp krävs minst 16 arbetsveckor.
Praktiken kan avläggas under en eller flera perioder och på en eller flera arbetsplatser. Om du är antagen till den integrerade kandidat- och magisterutbildningen kan rapporten hänvisa till arbetspraktik som utförts efter antagningen till kandidatnivån. Om du är antagen direkt till studier för endast magisterexamen på Hanken kan rapporten hänvisa till arbetspraktik som utförs under studietiden eller upp till högst tre år före antagning.

Notera att du får avlägga högst 10 sp praktik inom din magisterexamen. Således kan du av praktikkurserna på 5 sp och 10 sp bara avlägga en.


Welcome to the wonderful world of wealth management

Welcome to the course Principles of Wealth Management 17031. The course is based on the massive open online course (MOOC) at FutureLearn. The MOOC is produced by experts in finance at the Department of Finance and Economics in close collaboration with Dr Björn Wahlroos, former chairman of the board of Sampo and UPM-Kymmene, and former professor and chairman at Hanken.

The Hanken course requires you to pass the MOOC on FutureLearn, and to submit your answers to assignments that are graded.

The course is an online course that is well-suited for anyone employing an interest in wealth management. As is said in one of the videos, you do not have to be rich to manage your wealth.

The introductory lecture is held on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 at 10.15 am. You can participate online, or join in room A411 onsite from where it is broadcasted. It is not mandatory, although it gives information about the course setup. The enrolment was distributed 30 August 2024. Please contact Anh Nguyen anh.thi.nguyen@hanken.fi if you did not receive it.

The enrolment key has been distributed. Contact jan.antell@hanken.fi if you did not get it.

Detta är den gemensamma Moodlesidan för kurserna 17160 för svenskspråkiga hankeiter och 17170 för övriga.

This is the combined Moodle page for the courses 17170 for non-Swedish speakers, and 17160 for Swedish speaking Hankeits.

Please read the course description carefully! It is available outside the course Moodle page. Please also attend the introductory lecture. The introductory lecture is held on Monday, 2 September 2024 at 12.30 pm. in room A210. The enrolment has been distributed. Please contact jan.antell@hanken.fi if you did not receive it.

Take measures to come up with a topic. Note that the topic is to be submitted already some one week after the introductory lecture. Check the data availability to the detail, as no data = no thesis.

In many cases, the model structure is as follows: 

\mathit{Y} = \alpha + \mathrm{\beta}_1 \mathit{Variable} + \mathbf{\gamma}' \mathbf{Controls} + \epsilon,

where \mathit{Variable} is a variable of interest, and \mathbf{Controls} is a vector of control variables. When considering a topic, think of which variables that should be variables of specific interest, and which are control variables, i.e., variables known or expected to have an association with the phenomenon under study, but that are not of special interest. You need data both for variables of interest and for control variables.