
Detta är den gemensamma Moodlesidan för kurserna 17160 för svenskspråkiga hankeiter och 17170 för övriga.

This is the combined Moodle page for the courses 17170 for non-Swedish speakers, and 17160 for Swedish speaking Hankeits.

Please read the course description carefully! It is available outside the course Moodle page. Please also attend the introductory lecture. The introductory lecture is held on Monday, 22 January 2024 at 12.30 pm. in room A309. The enrolment key was distributed 3 January 2024, and will be distributed again during the week preceding the introductory lecture. Please contact if you did not receive it.

Take measures to come up with a topic. Note that the topic is to be submitted already some one week after the introductory lecture.