Short Essay 4 Instructions.pdfShort Essay 4 Instructions.pdf

Organisation and organising is an advanced course in organization theory (OT). Rather than focus on individual organization theories per se, the course addresses the diversity of the world of organisations. In the real world, organisations assume many forms beyond private corporations or public offices. In the world of theory, OT is practiced according to different scientific paradigms. The course discusses this heterogeneity via addressing several key themes in managerial and organizational thought and theory. Topics included in the course include those of the legacy of classical OT thinkers, the societal role of organisations, forms of coordination, culture and identity, power and control in organizations, organisational change, and the future of organising. Furthermore, the course tracks the evolution of organisational thinking in theory and managerial practice. The course explains how the various OT paradigms (i.e. functionalist, symbolic, interpretive, and critical) address the questions of organising from different premises and produce varying scholarly understanding of the course topics. The course ultimately enables an understanding of the world of management and work organization through an approach that situates those practices and imaginaries in their specific cultural-historical contexts.