2021 Experiments in Marketing  23222 syllabus.pdf2021 Experiments in Marketing 23222 syllabus.pdf
 Learning goals: You are prepared to independently plan, implement, analyse, and present an experiment in marketing.

 After the course, you can:

  • decide when it is appropriate to perform an experiment,
  • plan and analyse an experiment in marketing, and
  • report on an experiment in an academically correct manner.

As a self-learning course, it tests your ability to think about and reflect on your learning, to set your own deadlines and goals. It requires that you have the motivation to learn by self-studying, including looking up further resources on your own in order to gain the required knowledge.

The course includes no individual tutoring by email or in class. However, there will be some scheduled Teams meetings if you have questions to which you cannot find the answer in the literature, the information available in Moodle, or by searching in the library online services.

The course can be taken also in P4-SP1. You will need to re-enroll in Oodi and Moodle.

 Course content: A digital exam on the course book (60%) and two assignments (40%). The exam has to be passed before the assignments are handed in.

Requirements: Basic statistical skills, including t-test and Anova, and knowledge of the statistical analytics package SPSS. Learning these skills are not included in the course, where you need to be able to apply them. Your statistical skills will not be checked before signing up, but they will be assessed in the exam and the assignments. Necessary skills can be obtained by having taken a basic statistical course, a Multivariate Data Analysis course (e.g. 3677 MDA 5 credits, or 3613 MDA 8 credits),  or through self-studies of books on statistical methods, basic statistical handbooks that can be found in the library or on the internet, and from videos on SPSS statistical tests that can be found on the internet. You can use any statistical package that you are familiar with, and where you can get means, t-test, and one-way ANOVA.

The course has the following deadlines:

Deadlines in the course
Assignment: Handed in by: Results/feedback by:
Home exam 4.11.2021 8.11.2021
Experiment Plan 21.11.2021 24.11.2021
Final experiment report 15.12.2021 20.12.2021