Kursbeskrivning för Affärsutvecklingsanalys och riskkapital (2022).pdfKursbeskrivning för Affärsutvecklingsanalys och riskkapital (2022).pdf

Kursens föreläsningar behandlar processer som leder fram till start av ny affärsverksamhet, centrala analyser för att värdera en affärsidé samt strategier och verktyg som entreprenörer kan använda sig av för resursanskaffning och resurshantering. Kursen består av föreläsningar, fallövningar, reflektionsuppgifter samt ett grupparbete som berör kommersialisering av en innovation/uppfinning.

Kursen kan tas som en del av studiehelheten i företagsansvar.

Course syllabus.pdfCourse syllabus.pdf

This course takes various perspectives in studying creativity and creative thinking in relation to management, entrepreneurship and innovation. Your creative and innovative capabilities are improved during the course. The character of the course demands active student participation during exercises and team work. 

The course can be taken as part of the study module in Corporate Responsibility.

The world is experiencing major global challenges in areas such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. Which is why the United Nations has defined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to combat these problems. The SDGs consist of seventeen ambitious goals that the world hopes to achieve before 2030. Unfortunately, we are not on track to achieve them. Experts in a subject matter suggest that entrepreneurship could help transform our world and overcome the diverse nature of these global challenges.

“The depth of the issues that the Sustainable Development Goals are seeking to achieve need the most catalytic and innovative engagements, these are represented by the determination and vision of social enterprises.” - Jenna Nicholas, CEO at Impact Experience

This course builds on students' burning desire to drive positive change. This seven-week course is built by students, for students, to innovate new entrepreneurial solutions and drive positive change wherever they feel that it is most needed.
During this course, you will choose which SDGs you are most passionate about and form teams of 3-5 students with similar interests. The following program takes your team from ideating sustainable venture ideas, to conceptualizing sustainable (business) ideas to validating your solutions. Your team has weekly meetings with top-quality mentors, masterclasses with experts and fireside chats with inspirational founders. The final part of the course is a pitch in front of a prominent jury, where the best teams will receive prices for their performance.

The course could be divided into three parts:
a) learning about consulting work
b) conducting in pair a consult project to a company and
c) running the consulting company ABC.

This course will build students’ entrepreneurial attitudes, such as achievement orientation and ambition, self-confidence, action orientation, hard working and creativity. Also students’ entrepreneurial skills, such as creative problem solving, negotiating, selling, persuading and managing a project are developed during the course.

The students will familiarise themselves with selected theoretical frameworks and learn how to apply them in practice. The theoretical framework will be selected according to the consulting assignments assigned to the students.